Conference Update

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The 2019 Theme was “Designing Culture and Character:
Technology in Film, Television, and New Media”

The 2019 Film & History Conference was held November 14-17, at The Madison Concourse Hotel (Madison, WI, USA).

Our keynote speaker was to be Deborah Nadoolman Landis, Academy Award nominee and Founding Director and Chair of the David C. Copley Center for Costume Design, UCLA. However, Deborah was unable to attend because of an emergency.

The eminent theorist and film historian David Bordwell graciously–and heroically–stepped in to serve as keynote speaker, and the results were spectacular, offering Film & History participants a provocative and entertaining look at one of the fundamental, yet aesthetically evolving, technologies of filmmaking.

Late Registration

Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Lawrence University, Memorial Hall B5
711 E. Boldt Way
Appleton, WI 54911


An Interdisciplinary Journal